Friday, March 12, 2010

Out The Backdoor

Blue skies and sunshine, a walk was had. Right out the backdoor, well ok, up the hill, past our fluffy friends all the way to the end of the road, turn right and cross over the stone slab bridge, yeah, the one next to the statue of a butt. Head across that next field and follow the trail markings into the Hafod Estate. Our target was the cave with the waterfall. It's an amazing location, you take the gentlemen's path (I think it's the red one, might be yellow though), if you have less time you can double back on the trail instead of making the loop. That gives you time to meander the fields and make your way to the picnic table on the riverbank then follow the river back up into the village. Early on we passed two forestry workers. The first had stopped the chainsaw as we passed by. We said hello then I told him he worked in a very beautiful office. He grinned and said Yes, I know! When your 'office' gives you these views. Board meetings must center around a fire pit or bbq. When a feasible 'workday' for me includes taking advantage of the sun to hit the trails and gather wool... big fluffy masses of wild wool floating about a field where lamb and mom watched our antics. Same field I must back track to in hopes of fetching my gloves. I'd set them on the stile as I was stepping over and pulling the camera out of my pocket to get a shot of the lamb. Immediately after shooting I heard "LOOOOOKKKKKIEEEEE" and hands were then needed to stuff wool in the backpack. Poo Free Wool! Just a lot of dry crackly leaves to shake out of it. Nice enough a little fluffing and a bit of floofing, no carding needed can spin it as is right in the grease. I'm guessing at least 1lb post VM. Yippie! Just in time for the dyeing experiments!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous, quite gorgeous. Tis a place to grow and be happy I think. :o)
